3ABC Week 16 Petra Wernischová

Publikoval Petra Wernischová
Datum 27.12.2020
3ABC Week 16 Petra Wernischová

Hi kids,

Christmas is in the air.

So we are going to talk and learn more  about Christmas around the world / the Czech Republic, Great Britain,the USA, Canada/meaple leaf learning/


I answer the question: What do you want for Christmas: here   or  here or here


I read a story: Santa where are you

I learn more words about Christmas

in the USA: here   or  here

in Canada:    maple leaf learning  


I sing christmas songs:

jingle bells

little snowflake

I´m a little snowman

hello reindeer

oh no silly Santa


we wish you a merry christmas



Advent in  Great Britain:  Poslouchej a čti nahlas, jestli budeš chtít, nahraj a pošli mi nahrávku do teamsů nebo na watsapp.This is Britain

Guess the words/ Hádej SLOVA: HERE AND HERE

How many words did you get? Kolik slovíček jsi získal?  Dělej si čárky do sešitu a napiš DO CHATU V TEAMSECH, KOLIK JICH MÁŠ /termín do 2. lednového týdne

 Po Vánocích si odpovíme na otázku, co jsme dostali pod stromeček

What did you get for Christmas? I got....................

Hoppy Christmas:)

Your Petra W.